Jim Ries


CECS 486

Fall Semester 1999


CECS 486 Final Project User Manual


Comparing RMI and Socket

1.      Extract all source files from final.tar.gz.

2.      Use the make command to build the project.

3.      Set your CLASSPATH environment variable to start with "." (the current directory).

4.      Start rmiregistry from this directory (so it can find our classes) on a special port (e.g., 8071) in the background.  For example, "rmiregistry 8071&".

5.      Start the server application in the background.  This can easily done from Win32 by using the included TESTSERV.BAT file.  On UNIX, "java -mx128M - Djava.security.policy=permit TransportTest localhost:8071 localhost 8027 anything trueorfalse x&".  This is just a sample command.  Run java TransportTest to get the following syntax message:


TransportTest rmiregistry serverip serverport testdir displayflag [x==>server]       


TransportTest localhost localhost 8027 Chat true

The directory parameter is meaningless for the server.  The displayflag is meaningless for the server.

6.      Start the client application.  This has the same syntax as the server command, but should have the final "x" parameter.  The directory parameter should be the name of a local directory that has sample files in it for transfer.  The displayflag indicates whether you want just performance measurements (false) or whether to display the transferred files (true).


Comparing KaRMI and Socket

The procedure for running the application with the KaRMI plug-in transport is just as above, but KaRMI must be installed and the standard KaRMI compilation procedure must be followed.  For instructions on using KaRMI, see http://wwwipd.ira.uka.de/~hauma/betterserial/.  A sample makefile for KaRMI and sample batch files are available upon request (JimR@acm.org).